9 Days Serengeti Wildebeest Migration Safari – Mara River Crossing Tour

Embark on a captivating 9 Days Serengeti Wildebeest Migration Safari journey through the Serengeti National Park, tailored to track the awe-inspiring wildebeest migration. This adventure places us at the epicenter of this breathtaking natural phenomenon, allowing us to marvel at the expansive Serengeti landscape. Experience several days amidst the northern Serengeti, where the great migration unfolds in all its glory.

The Great Migration Experience - 9 Days Serengeti Wildebeest Migration Safari

The Great Migration Experience

9 Days Serengeti Wildebeest Migration Safari

9 Days, 8 Nights safari

Departure / Return

Hotel pickup - Your also returned to your hotel.

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Itinerary for the 9 Days Serengeti Wildebeest Migration Safari

Day 1: Arrival in Arusha

Our driver guide will welcome and greet you at the airport and later drive you to your lodging in Arusha. Here, you can unwind from your journey, soak in the local atmosphere, and get ready for the thrilling wildlife safari that awaits. This evening offers a perfect opportunity to relax and acclimate before we embark on our Serengeti adventure.

Day 2: Arusha to Tarangire National Park

Start your day in Arusha as your personal driver guide picks you up and set off towards Tarangire National Park. The journey takes you along smooth tarmac roads through the gently undulating Maasai plains dotted with acacia trees. Along the way you will witness vibrant Maasai life - locals dressed in vivid traditional attire, herding livestock, riding bicycles, and guiding donkey carts.

Upon reaching Tarangire National Park, famous for its vast elephant populations, you will encounter a rich diversity of wildlife. From the panoramic vantage of your safari jeep's open roof, take in views of seasonal wetlands, sprawling savanna, and the vital Tarangire River. Keep your eyes peeled for a variety of animals including zebras, wildebeests, buffaloes, elephants, and giraffes. You might even spot lions on the hunt or leopards lounging in the trees.

After a fulfilling day of wildlife viewing, you will head to your lodge for dinner and a restful overnight stay, ready for more adventures to come.

Day 3: Transfer to Serengeti National Park

After breakfast, you will journey into the lush highlands where the Iraqw people cultivate wheat and corn. En route, we will traverse the misty rainforests of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Keep an eye out for wildlife hidden in the dense foliage; you might catch glimpses of baboons, elusive leopards, or even elephants amidst the greenery.

As we pass through this conservation area, you will be treated to a stunning view of the Ngorongoro Crater, a geological wonder that adds a dramatic backdrop to our drive. Continuing onwards, we will reach the Serengeti National Park by midday. This national park is Tanzania's largest, boasts a tapestry of landscapes from sweeping grasslands and wetlands to lakes, savannas, and rugged hills.

Spend the afternoon exploring the diverse habitats of the Serengeti on an extensive game drive. As the sun sets, we will head to your lodge where a hearty dinner and a peaceful night’s rest await, setting the stage for more safari adventures.

Day 4: Game drives in the Northern Serengeti

In the morning, we begin our journey northward through the Serengeti, embarking on an exciting game drive. This region, extending about 100 km from Seronera, features gently rolling landscapes dotted with streams, occasional hills, and granite outcrops known as kopjes. Home to a rich and varied wildlife population, the Northern Serengeti offers a tapestry of natural beauty, including the striking Lobo Kopje.

Unlike the more frequented southern areas, this northern expanse provides a tranquil and less crowded safari experience. In August, the annual migration typically moves into this area, and we might be fortunate enough to witness the dramatic spectacle of wildebeest and zebras bravely crossing the Mara River, navigating powerful currents and evading crocodiles.

After an exhilarating day of exploration and wildlife encounters, we will make our way to our lodging. Here, you can savor a delicious dinner and relax under the awe-inspiring African night sky, nestled in the heart of the Serengeti's Endless Plain.

Day 5: Witness Serengeti Mara River crossing

Starting the day with an early breakfast, you will set out for a thrilling morning in the wild. If luck is on your side, you might witness one of nature’s most dramatic events: the Mara River crossing. As hundreds of thousands of wildebeest amass at the riverbank, they stare longingly at the verdant grasses on the opposite side, yet hesitate to cross the treacherous, crocodile-infested waters.

In a sudden burst of bravery, one wildebeest might leap into the current, prompting a tidal wave of followers to plunge in behind it. Those that survive the perilous journey across the river will find themselves grazing on the lush, green pastures of the Masai Mara, a well-earned reward for their daring trek.

Day 6: North to Central Serengeti

After breakfast, we will journey back to Seronera, allowing more time to marvel at the Serengeti's extraordinary wildlife and breathtaking scenery. Beyond the migratory herds, this region offers a chance to observe the park's resident predators like leopards, cheetahs, and lions engaged in their daily lives, embodying the dramatic cycle of nature.

After an immersive game drive, we will proceed to our lodge, where a satisfying dinner and a cozy evening by the fire await. As we relax, we can share stories and gaze at the expansive African night sky, its stars casting a magical glow over the Endless Plain.

Day 7: Central Serengeti to Ngorongoro Conservation Area

After breakfast, your adventure continues with another spectacular game drive through the Serengeti, offering more opportunities to witness the region’s abundant wildlife in their natural habitat. As the day progresses, you will set out towards the Ngorongoro Crater, a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its unique ecosystem and stunning landscapes.

By afternoon, you will arrive at the crater’s edge, where a breathtaking panorama of lush grasslands, shimmering streams, and a wealth of wildlife sprawls below, giving you a preview of the wonders to come the next day. Tonight, you will stay at a lodge perched on the crater’s rim, where you can unwind and soak in the view, anticipating tomorrow's exploration.

Day 8: Ngorongoro Crater

At the break of dawn, following an early breakfast, we will descend into the depths of the Ngorongoro Crater for an unforgettable day of wildlife exploration. This ancient caldera, formed millions of years ago by a volcanic eruption comparable in size to Kilimanjaro, plunges 610 meters deep and spans approximately 260 square kilometers. Its unique geography creates a self-contained ecosystem where a remarkable array of animals roam freely across the unfenced reserves, offering unparalleled opportunities for uninterrupted wildlife viewing.

Ngorongoro derives its name from the melodious sound of the Maasai cowbells echoing through the crater’s vast expanse. Renowned as one of Africa’s prime destinations to spot the iconic Big Five - lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinoceros. The crater also teems with wildebeest, gazelle, reedbuck, and over 500 bird species.

After a delightful picnic lunch by the hippo-filled lake, we will spend the afternoon ascending the steep crater walls, marveling at the panoramic vistas before settling in for the night in the nearby town of Karatu.

Day 9: Lake Manyara National Park to Arusha

After a satisfying breakfast, we will embark on the final leg of our extraordinary safari adventure to Lake Manyara National Park. Situated 120km west of Arusha, this compact yet diverse park is renowned for its namesake shallow salt lake, which fluctuates in size with the seasons. The lake hosts a spectacle of thousands of flamingos and an impressive array of over 500 other bird species.

As we explore the park, expect to encounter a variety of wildlife including monkeys, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, buffaloes, elephants, and if we are fortunate, lions lounging in the trees. Lake Manyara National Park is celebrated for its diverse landscapes encompassing open grassy plains, woodlands teeming with primates, and dramatic cliffs adorned with ancient baobab trees.

Following a delightful lunch, we will journey back to Arusha, arriving in the late afternoon, concluding our safari with memories of the park’s natural splendor.


  • Transportations on a 4 x 4 safari vehicle with a pop up roof
  • Accommodations and meals as stated
  • Entrance fees to all National Parks
  • En route lunches
  • Bottled water
  • Professional English speaking driver guide
  • English Driver guide


  • Visa Fees & flights
  • Optional activities
  • Tips for guides
  • Laundry
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • International vaccinations & tests
  • Health test requirements
  • Personal travel Insurance
  • Items of personal nature

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