5 Days Best of Tanzania Luxury Safari

Embark on a 5 Days Best of Tanzania Luxury Safari to discover the finest of Tanzania. Encounter stunning wildlife such as monkeys in lush forests, lions resting in trees, elephants trekking through the bush, and a remarkable variety of animals within a majestic collapsed volcano. Explore the legendary Serengeti National Park, home to over 3 million animals and immerse yourself in unforgettable sights with the thrilling possibility of seeing the Big Five.

Lions spotted in the Serengeti National Park - 5 Days Best of Tanzania Luxury Safari

Lions spotted in the Serengeti National Park

5 Days Best of Tanzania Luxury Safari

5 Days, 4 Nights safari

Departure / Return

Hotel pickup - Your also returned to your hotel.

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Itinerary for the 5 Days Best of Tanzania Luxury Safari

Day 1: Arrival in Arusha

Our safari guide will greet you at the airport and transport you to your accommodation in Arusha. Depending on your arrival time, you may have the opportunity to unwind and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime. Arusha, a bustling hub in northern Tanzania, is a vital stopover for most safari travelers.

Accommodation: Gran Melia Arusha

Day 2: Transfer to Tarangire National Park

After breakfast, your safari driver guide will pick you up from your hotel and you will set off for Tarangire National Park, a drive of about two and a half hours on well-maintained tarmac roads. Named after the Tarangire River, the park serves as the crucial water source for wildlife during the dry season, earning it the nickname "river of warthogs".

Tarangire national park is renowned for its large elephant herds often seen near the river, as well as giraffes, bushbucks, and hartebeests, which attract predators like lions and leopards. Tarangire is also home to more bird breeding species than anywhere else on Earth, and you will marvel at the ancient baobab trees, some over a thousand years old. Enjoy a picnic lunch within the park before continuing your journey to your accommodation in Karatu after the game drive.

Accommodation: Kitela Lodge

Day 3: Transfer to Ngorongoro Crater

After breakfast, you will head into the cooler regions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Upon first sight, the Ngorongoro Crater appears as a lost world. Enclosed by steep volcanic walls lies an untouched wilderness featuring expansive savannahs, acacia woodlands, and shimmering lakes and swamps.

Formed by the collapse of a massive volcano two to three million years ago, the Crater spans 260 km². Known for its geological wonders and as a haven for some of Africa’s densest large mammal populations, the Crater offers a unique natural reserve. Descending into the Crater, you will encounter abundant wildlife including wildebeest, zebras, gazelles, and over 500 bird species, with an exceptional opportunity to spot the endangered black rhino.

After exploring the Crater, you will continue through the Ngorongoro Conservation Area towards the southern entrance of the Serengeti National Park.

Accommodation: Kubu Kubu Tented Lodge

Day 4: Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti is a breathtaking spectacle, renowned for its expansive open grasslands that offer exceptional wildlife viewing opportunities. Its climate and vegetation have remained largely unchanged for millions of years, preserving its natural beauty.

The Serengeti is famous for the annual Great Migration, where vast herds of wildebeest, accompanied by zebras and antelopes, travel in search of fresh grazing. This migration occurs year-round, with different areas offering prime viewing at various times. To maximize your experience, it's crucial to know the best spots for wildlife sightings during each season.

In addition to its iconic landscapes, the Serengeti provides ample opportunities to encounter predators such as lions, cheetahs, and leopards. The experience is truly transformative. In the afternoon, you will begin your return journey to Karatu, with the hope of encountering more wonders along the way.

Accommodation: Kitela Lodge

Day 5: Lake Manyara National Park

After breakfast, you will head to Lake Manyara National Park, a small yet remarkably diverse park located 120 km west of Arusha. Here, you will experience both compactness and grandeur, with the narrow park’s landscape dramatically framed by the towering Great Rift Escarpment to the west.

Lake Manyara, the park's namesake, is a shallow, saline lake that covers much of the area, fluctuating with the seasons and attracting thousands of wading birds, including flamingos and over 500 other bird species.

In the park's dense evergreen forest, you might spot baboons and elephants, and you could even catch sight of the renowned tree-climbing lions. Enjoy a picnic lunch within the park. After your game drive, you will bid farewell to your guide and be dropped off at a location of your choice, such as Arusha, Kilimanjaro Airport, or Arusha Airport.


  • Transportations on a 4 x 4 safari vehicle with a pop up roof
  • Accommodations and meals as stated
  • Entrance fees to all National Parks
  • En route lunches
  • Bottled water
  • Professional English speaking driver guide
  • English Driver guide


  • Visa Fees & flights
  • Optional activities
  • Tips for guides
  • Laundry
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • International vaccinations & tests
  • Health test requirements
  • Personal travel Insurance
  • Items of personal nature

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