7 Days Tanzania Luxury Safari - Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater

Discover the enchanting allure of Tanzania, a land of stunning natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and unforgettable adventures, all made even more special by the warmth of its people. This 7 days Tanzania luxury safari packages takes you on a stylish journey through the Northern Safari Circuit, where you will stay in top-notch lodges and tented camps, enjoying exceptional food and service. Experience the diverse landscapes and immerse yourself in the rich wildlife of iconic destinations like Tarangire, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti, and beyond.

Cheetahs in the Serengeti National Park - 7 Days Tanzania Luxury Safari

Cheetahs in the Serengeti National Park

7 Days Tanzania Luxury Safari

7 Days, 6 Nights safari

Departure / Return

Hotel pickup - Your also returned to your hotel.

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Itinerary for the 7 Days Tanzania Luxury Safari

Day 1: Arrival in Arusha

Upon your arrival at the airport, our safari driver guide will greet you and drive you to your accommodation in Arusha. Depending on when you arrive, you might have the opportunity to unwind and get ready for the incredible journey the following day.

Arusha, bustling and vibrant, is a key hub for safari expeditions in northern Tanzania, and almost all travelers find themselves here at some point in their adventure.

Accommodation: Gran Melia

Day 2: Transfer to Tarangire National Park

After breakfast, your Safari driver guide will pick you up from your accommodation to begin your journey to Tarangire National Park, marking the start of your luxury safari adventure. The drive to Tarangire is approximately two and a half hours on smooth tarmac roads, offers a preview of the wild beauty to come.

Tarangire National Park is renowned for its thriving wildlife, especially the impressive elephant herds that roam the park. During the dry season, you might witness these majestic creatures gathering at the river to drink or cool off. The park is also a haven for bird enthusiasts, boasting over 500 bird species.

The landscape, adorned with towering baobab trees, is breathtaking. These ancient trees, essential to the ecosystem, provide habitats for bees, birds, and bats, offer nourishing fruit, and serve as a vital water source during the dry season.

You will enjoy lunch at a picnic site within the park, followed by a game drive. Afterward, you will be transported to your accommodation near the park for a restful evening.

Accommodation: Kitela Lodge

Day 3: Lake Manyara National Park

Following breakfast, you will set off for Lake Manyara National Park, a compact yet richly varied reserve. This park provides a unique wilderness experience, encompassing a range of habitats from the Rift Valley soda lake to dense woodlands and rugged mountainsides.

Beyond its stunning scenery, Lake Manyara is renowned for its rare tree-climbing lions and the elephant herds it was created to protect. The lake's shores are a birdwatcher's paradise, attracting around 400 bird species, including many waterfowl and migratory birds. You will also encounter large herds of buffalo, cheetahs, Masai giraffes, and impalas along the lakeshore and in the forested valley slopes.

After a day of exploration in the park, you will take a short drive to your luxury accommodation in Karatu for a relaxing evening.

Accommodation: Kitela Lodge

Day 4: Serengeti National Park

After breakfast, you will head to the cooler highlands of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Along the way you will have the opportunity to stop and admire the breathtaking views of the Ngorongoro Crater. Continuing with your journey you will travel through the conservation area to enter the Serengeti National Park from the south.

The Serengeti is a marvel, renowned for its expansive grasslands that offer incredible wildlife viewing. While it is home to a diverse array of animals, it is most famous for the Great Migration. Each year, immense herds of wildebeest, zebra, and antelope traverse the plains in search of fresh grazing grounds. No matter the month, the migration can be observed if you know where to find it.

Accommodation: Nyota Luxury Camp

Day 5: Full Day Game Drive in Serengeti National Park

You will spend the entire day exploring the Serengeti, one of the world's most renowned national parks. Known for its endless grasslands, the Serengeti offers unparalleled opportunities to witness its rich wildlife. As one of the oldest ecosystems on the planet, its climate and vegetation have remained largely unchanged for millions of years.

This park is home to an incredible diversity of animals, providing the best chances to see predators like lions, cheetahs, and leopards in action.

You have the option to embark on early morning and late afternoon game drives, returning to camp for lunch, or enjoy a full-day game drive with a picnic lunch in the park.

Accommodation: Nyota Luxury Camp

Day 6: Serengeti to Ngorongoro crater

After breakfast, you will journey from Serengeti National Park to the Ngorongoro Crater. This remarkable crater, originally a massive volcano, is the largest intact caldera in the world. It’s said that before it erupted, it was taller than Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak! Now, this ancient caldera is a stunning wildlife sanctuary.

Descending into the crater is an exciting experience and once on the crater floor, you will encounter vast herds of wildebeest, zebra, gazelle, and over 500 bird species. The crater is also one of the best places in Africa to spot the endangered black rhino, often seen roaming the open grasslands.

After spending the afternoon exploring the crater, you will head to your accommodation in Karatu for dinner and an overnight stay.

Accommodation: Kitela Lodge

Day 7: Karatu to the Airport

You will be transferred back to Arusha. Departure times will be adjusted according to your onward travel arrangements. We trust that your luxury safari experience in Tanzania with African Adventure Travellers will be thoroughly enjoyable!


  • Transportations on a 4 x 4 safari vehicle with a pop up roof
  • Accommodations and meals as stated
  • Entrance fees to all National Parks
  • En route lunches
  • Bottled water
  • Professional English speaking driver guide
  • English Driver guide


  • Visa Fees & flights
  • Optional activities
  • Tips for guides
  • Laundry
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • International vaccinations & tests
  • Health test requirements
  • Personal travel Insurance
  • Items of personal nature

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